Sedation Dentistry Annandale

Providing a Calmer Approach to Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is something Dr. Nada proudly offers to patients who struggle with dental anxiety. Keeping a regular appointment can be difficult for those who have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time or who have past dental trauma. We offer nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation as a way of providing a calmer approach to dentistry. If you believe you could benefit from sedation during your next visit, call our team at Smilescrafters of Annandale to learn more.


Why Choose Smilescrafters of Annandale for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Two Forms of Sedation Dentistry Available
  • Dentist Provides One-on-One Attention
  • Caring Dental Team Ready to Help


Oral Conscious Sedation

If oral conscious sedation is what Dr. Nada recommends, she will prescribe a specific medication that you will need to take approximately one hour before your visit. This will give the medicine time to start working so that you feel more at ease once you reach the treatment chair. Throughout your appointment, you will remain comfortable and relaxed while Dr. Nada completes her work. With oral conscious sedation, you will need someone to drive you home, as the effects do take time to wear off.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Milder than oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide is helpful if you have some form of dental anxiety, have a sensitive gag reflex, or need help to sit still while the dentist works. Administered through a nasal mask, its effects come on quickly as you begin to inhale. You will remain calm throughout your appointment, maybe even dozing off; however, we will be able to wake you easily. Once Dr. Nada is finished with treatment, the effects of the nitrous oxide dissipate quickly after the mask is removed, allowing you to resume normal activity following your appointment.