Root Canal Treatment Annandale

Saving Your Natural Teeth

Within each tooth exists a chamber that houses what is known as the pulp. Made up of various nerves and blood vessels, it remains protected by other harder layers (i.e., dentin and enamel). However, if severe dental decay or damage penetrates these layers, it can reach the pulp, resulting in an infection and pain. Our team at Smilescrafters of Annandale can save your natural tooth from possible extraction with root canal treatment. Call us today if you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nada.


Why Choose Smilescrafters of Annandale for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Enhanced Imaging & Treatment Planning with CT/Cone Beam Scanner
  • Dentist with Clinical & Academic Achievements in Endodontics
  • Beautiful Dental Crowns for Added Post-Procedural Protection

What Happens During a Root Canal?

After taking X-rays and reviewing the affected tooth, Dr. Nada will administer local anesthesia to numb the area before isolating the tooth with a dental dam. After making a small opening in the crown, she will use small, specialized instruments to remove the pulp and clean out the root canals before shaping the areas, so they are ready to be filled. Once the tooth is properly sterilized, Dr. Nada will fill the root canals with gutta-percha, a biocompatible material used to take the place of the pulp. The final step is to receive a custom-made dental crown that will fit snugly on top to ensure optimal protection and improved function.