Restorative Dentistry Annandale

Fixing Smiles in Need of Repair

At Smilescrafters of Annandale, Dr. Nada provides restorative solutions that are used to fix smiles in need of repair. Whether it is a broken, cracked, or decayed tooth, our team can deliver durable results that offer improved oral function and visually appealing aesthetics. From dental crowns and tooth-colored fillings to CEREC restorations and full mouth reconstruction, we invite you to contact our office to find out which solution might be best for you.


Why Choose Smilescrafters of Annandale for Restorative Dentistry?

  • CEREC Same-Day Restorations for Faster Results
  • Enhanced Diagnostic Imaging for Improved Accuracy
  • Dentist Who Provides One-on-One Attention


Dental Crowns

A dental crown is designed to fit over an altered tooth so that it mimics its shape while offering greater protection and improved functionality. The dental crowns we use are recommended for teeth that have suffered severe decay or damage and need more than a dental filling to restore them. They can also be used atop dental implants when replacing missing teeth or after root canal treatment to safeguard against reinfection. When properly maintained, they can last up to 15 years.

CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns & Restorations

Instead of waiting weeks for a dental crown, Dr. Nada and our team can use our CEREC system to produce a new restoration in a single appointment. Eliminating the need for a patient to wear a temporary between visits, we can use CAD/CAM technology to capture an image of the tooth and design the future crown. We then send the digital model to our in-house milling unit so that fabrication can begin. Using a single block of porcelain, we can generate a crown that looks natural and feels comfortable once in place, and it can all be done while you wait.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

When a small cavity forms, we can quickly treat the problem with a tooth-colored filling. Consisting of composite resin that is matched to your natural enamel shade, it is highly flexible, which means you get to keep more of your existing tooth. Also, because it does not contain any metal, like traditional amalgam, you will not need to worry about temperature sensitivity. With our tooth-colored fillings, you can expect a restorative solution that not only repairs the problem but also delivers a more natural appearance.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full mouth reconstruction is a service we provide to patients who have multiple dental issues that cannot be corrected with a single form of treatment. Dr. Nada will perform a thorough examination to determine the extent of the damage before drafting a tailor-made treatment plan that encompasses the scope of an individual’s care. Using many different services, she will explain the process so that the patient better understands what is required to restore and rebuild their smile.